

Progress of the Research on Automatic QT Interval Measurement
摘要 本文介绍了自动测量QT间期方法研究的新进展,主要包括根据ECG信号特点设定经验阈值进行特征点检测的方法;利用连续小波变换(CWT)和快速小波变换(FWT)的时-频方法;建立QRS及T波模型,根据互相关系数迭代改进模型得到QT间期的方法及基于心脏模型测量QT间期的方法等。重点讨论了应用主分量分析法识别QRS波和应用散点图法选取典型心搏的优点。通过对比自动方法与手动方法得到的结果,可以看出QT间期的自动测量方法比手动方法更稳定,可重复性更高。 Describes new progress of the research on automatic QT interval measurement, including mainly the algorithms based on ECG curve characteristics, methods based on CWT and FWT, model-based determination and so on. Discusses mainly the advantages of principal component analysis for QRS detection and Poincar 6, Plot for selecting the representative beat. In comparison with manual methods, the automated ones offer the advantages in terms of the absolute repeatability and stabilization of measurements.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2008年第10期43-45,48,共4页 China Medical Devices
关键词 心电图 QT间期测量 小波变换 散点图 ECG QT measurement wavelet transform Poincar 6 Plot
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