Based on the statement of the meaning of conflicts between treaties, analyzing the different situations of conflicts between the WTO law and international human rights law in detail. Most times, good faith interpretation and application of WTO provisions, taking into account relevant human rights law, and the exercise of exception provisions, will suffice to coordinate WTO and human rights legal systems. In the rare eventuality of a conflict between a WTO provision and a human fights provision, the WTO panel should conclude that the human rights law does not have direct effect in WTO law, that the panel does not have the competence to formally interpret and enforce other treaties and customs and that the panel is prohibited from reaching any conclusion that would add to or diminish the covered agreements. It would then be for states to address the conflict between the system of WTO trade law and the system of human rights. The violation of human rights, albeit not enforceable before WTO adjudicating bodies, does not free the violating state from any remedial obligations. The benefits obtained in one forum may be balanced by the application of the rules on state responsibility in another forum.
Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences)
WTO law
international human fights law
compulsory law