
基于本体活动的业务建模及映射方法研究 被引量:2

Business modeling and mapping method based on ontology activity
摘要 针对业务过程模型语义表达能力不足、难以实现精确描述和计算机识别等问题,提出一种基于本体活动的业务模型及将其映射为平台无关模型的方法。定义了组成业务模型的基元——本体活动,以及业务模型的组成、关系和模型的相关度等概念,进而阐述了模型构成的层次结构。通过在过程和对象间引入活动,实现了模型的半结构化表示,并阐述了本体活动的识别及优化算法。提出以本体活动为媒介的模型分解方法,将业务模型到平台无关模型的多对多映射关系转化为两个层次的一对多关系,基于给出的映射定义,探讨了映射的步骤及一般性规则。 To deal with problems such as difficulty in semantic representation, accurate description and computerized recognition of business process model, an ontology-activity-based busines model and its mapping approach to Platform Independent Model (PIM) were presented. Basic element, ontology activities and constitution & relationships of business model and relevancy degree of models were defined. Then, the architecture of the model was discussed. By introducing activity to process and object, semi-structural representation of the model was realized. Ontology recognition and its optimization algorithm were also studied. The model decomposition method of intermediate ontology activity was put forward, To simplify the model mapping process, a decomposition strategy that by decoupling the n-to-n relationship between the business model and PIM into two groups of 1-to-n relationship through the ontology activity was discussed. An approach of the business model-to-PIM transformation was defined, and the mapping steps as well as general transformation rules were also explained.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期1919-1926,共8页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2006AA04Z112)~~
关键词 本体活动 业务模型 计算无关模型 本台无关模型 模型表示 优化算法 映射分解 ontology activity business model computation independent model platform independent model model representation optimization algorithm mapping decomposition
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