
降低药剂SCB点火能量的研究进展 被引量:4

Review on Decreasing the Ignition Energy by Semi-Conductor Bridge
摘要 半导体桥(SCB)点火技术研究中,点火能量的降低是一个重要的研究部分。影响SCB点火能量的因素很多,本文主要从SCB结构、SCB药剂点火机理、药剂装药等几个方面分析总结了降低药剂SCB点火能量的方法。认为,从以下几个方面可以有效地降低SCB点火能量:(1)小截面SCB(23μm(L)×67μm(W)×2μm(t));(2)斯蒂芬酸铅(LTNR)作为SCB点火药剂;(3)药剂粒度在5μm以下;(4)压药压力不小于30 MPa;(5)掺加微米级的Zr粉;(6)选用导电导热差的G10管壳装药。 Several effective routes to decrease the ignition energy of semi-conductor bridge (SCB) were summarized based on the analysis of the characteristics of SCB ,the ignition mechanism,the properties of charge and the charge conditions. These routes will be: (1) choosing small size SCB(23 μm(L)×67 μm(W)×2 μm(t)) ; (2) choosing lead 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinate(LTNR) as ignition charge of SCB ; ( 3 ) controlling the size of granule below 5 μm ; ( 4 ) pressing the charge at a pressure above 30 MPa ; (5) adding the fine Zr powder; (6) using G10 as the shell material of charge.
出处 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期639-646,共8页 Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
关键词 军事化学与烟火技术 半导体桥(SCB) 点火技术 药剂 点火能量 military chemistry and pyrotechnic technology semi-conductor bridge ( SCB ) ignition technique reagent ignition energy
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