

Improvement of Identity-based Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme
摘要 王等人结合了代理签名方案与指定验证者签名方案的优点,利用Weil对的双线性映射,构造了一个基于身份的指定验证者代理签名方案.然而,该方案是不安全的,存在严重的安全漏洞,攻击者可以利用代理授权参数成功的伪造原始签名者.当出现争议时,可信中心无法揭示原始签名者的真正身份.为了避免这一安全隐患,提出了新的签名方案,新方案克服了原方案的不足,提高了系统的安全性. Integrating the advantages of proxy signature and designated-verifier signature scheme,wang and his partners proposed an identity-based designated-verifier proxy signature scheme,using the bilinear pairings.However,this system was insecure,having serious defect.Adversary could forge the original signer according to the delegated parameters.TC could not reveal the true original signer's identity when in dispute.To thwart this attack,a new scheme was proposed,which could resolve the security problem existing in wang and his parters's scheme and could improve the security of identity-based designated-verifier proxy signature scheme.
作者 张磊 亢保元
出处 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第5期639-641,共3页 Journal of Jiamusi University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 代理签名 指定验证者签名 双线性对 基于身份 proxy signature designated-verifier proxy signature bilinear pairings identity-based
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