为减少CO_2的排放,以及受到全球原油价格飞涨等因素的影响,如今的交通运输行业越来越重视节能环保交通工具的应用,混合动力便是其中一种可行性较高的解决方案。尽管该技术已经出现较长时间,但由于制造、使用成本普遍偏高,其应用推广一直受到很大阻力。VOLVO 7700混合动力城市客车的出现使这种状况有所改善。
During the 62^th IAA, VOLVO Company launched a new model Hybrid bus in European market. This new model -- Volvo 7700 has been incorporated with the latest hybrid powerplant technology developed by VOLVO Group, and is designed to reduce more than 30% fuel consumption. It is reported that Volvo 7700 will be put into production in 2009.
Commercial Vehicle