2008年9月23日,纳威司达(Navistar)公司发动机部在美国阿拉巴马州Huntsville举办隆重庆典,庆祝纳威司达集团首款柴油发动机D-40投产75周年,同时宣布其全新“大缸径”重型柴油发动机生产线正式投产。在启动仪式上,纳威司达展示了它为北美CLASS8商用卡车市场量身打造的新型MaxxForce 11和MaxxForce 13柴油发动机(关于这2款发动机的介绍见《商用汽车》杂志2008年第9期)。
Sept. 23, 2008, Engine Section of Navistar Group held a grand ceremony in Huntsville, Alabama, to celebrate the 75^th anniversary of the production of D-40 the first diesel engine of Navistar Group. Meanwhile, the company annouced that its brand new diesel engine for heavy-duty truck was officially put into production. When interviewed by reporter of〈 Commercial Vehicle〉 magazine, one high ranking executive of the company expressed that the company is now working hard to look for partners in China and hope to share with Chinese partners its technology and capability in emission control area, which will create a win-win market for both side.
Commercial Vehicle