

A Survey of Transaction Processing Technology
摘要 本文从事务处理的定义出发,首先阐述了事务处理技术的起源与发展,总结了并发与恢复两个核心技术的研究现状,然后探讨了传统的事务模型,接着分别讨论研究了各种高级事务模型,分析了相关研究的进展,最后展望了其未来研究方向及面临的挑战。 From the definition of transaction processing, the first, this paper expressed Transaction processing of the origin and development of technology, summed up with two core technologies and the present situation, then explored the traditional model, and then discussed the kinds of advanced transaction model, and analyzed the progress of research, the final looked to the future direction of research and the facing challenges .
作者 喻佳 邓芳芳
出处 《科技广场》 2008年第8期235-237,共3页 Science Mosaic
关键词 事务处理 传统事务模型 高级事务模型 Transaction Processing Traditional Transaction Model Advanced Transaction Model
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