

A Component-Based Regression Test Case Selection Method
摘要 构件的使用给大规模软件系统开发带来了很多方便,但构件测试仍然是软件工程中很难解决的问题。由于构件使用者对构件内部结构及变更信息缺乏了解,因此很难进行有效的回归测试用例选择。针对这一问题提出了一种回归测试用例选择方法,通过论述及实验分析,初步证实了所提出的方法在实际中的可行性和有效性。 The use of component has brought convenience for the large - scale software system development, hut the component test is still very difficult to solve in the software engineering. Because the component user lacks the information of the component internal structttre and the change, it is difficult to carry on effectively regression test cases selection. Presents a component - based method which can select regression test cases. The elaboration and the experiment show that the strategy of regression test case selection is feasible and effective in practice.
作者 陈峰 李心科
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2008年第11期131-133,141,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 安徽省科技攻关重点项目(06012021A)
关键词 回归测试 构件软件 用例选择 regression testing component- based software test ease selection
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