
粉喷桩及湿喷桩适应性试验研究 被引量:1

Study on the applicability of the Dry Jet Mixing Method and the Cement Deep Mixing Method
摘要 文章对水泥土室内强度和水泥土桩现场强度进行分析比较,结果表明:含水比小于0.9时,湿喷桩处理的效果比粉喷桩处理的效果好;当含水比在0.9~1.0之间时,粉喷桩与湿喷桩加固处理的强度效果相当;当含水比大于1.0时,用粉喷桩处理的效果较佳。此结果对目前深层搅拌法的设计与研究具有借鉴意义。 The applicability of the Dry Jet Mixing Method (the Japanese dry method) and the Cement Deep Mixing Method(the wet method)is illustrated based on the field and lab strength results. The Cement Deep Mixing Method(CDM) is better than the Dry Jet Mixing Method(DJM) when the water content ratio defined as the ratio of the water content to the liquid limit is lower than 0. 9. When the range of the water content is between 0. 9 and 1.0, both methods have almost the same strength. When this ratio is larger than 1.0, the Dry Jet Mixing Method is superior to the slurry deep one. These results can be used for the design and study of the other deep mixing methods.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期1668-1671,共4页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 合肥工业大学科学研究发展基金资助项目(080702F)
关键词 含水比 粉喷桩 湿喷桩 水泥土 无侧限抗压强度 water content ratio Dry Jet Mixing Method Cement Deep Mixing Method cemented soil unconfined compressive strength
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