
关系因素与个体因素在儿童早期社会能力中的作用 被引量:23

Relational and Individual Predictors of Children's Early Social Competence
摘要 采用儿童早期行为评价量表、亲子关系量表和师生关系量表,对443名幼儿的父母和教师进行了测查,在生态系统理论的框架下探讨了儿童性别、年级及父子、母子、师生关系对早期社会能力的影响。结果发现:小班和中班儿童的师生关系好于托班;女孩的社会能力高于男孩,小班和中班儿童的社会能力高于托班。控制了性别与年级的作用之后,父子、母子与师生关系对儿童社会能力都有显著的正向预测作用,但三者的平均值具有最强的预测作用,这一结果支持了多重关系作用于儿童发展的"平均化假说"。 Based on a sample of 443 kindergartners and their parents and teachers, the present study investigated the effects of individual (i. e., child gender, grade) and relational (i. e., children' s relationships with fathers, mothers, and teachers) factors on children's early social competence. The results showed that girls' social competence was higher than boys' and K3 and K2 children' s teacher-child relationships and social competence were higher than K1 children' s. In addition, although relationships with fathers, mothers, and teachers separately predicted children' s social competence, the average score of these relationships was the strongest predictor.
作者 张晓 陈会昌
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期19-24,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(项目号:06JJDXLX002)
关键词 早期社会能力 亲子关系 师生关系 个体因素 early social competence parent-child relationship teacher-child relationship individual factors
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