目前的机械结构裂纹扩展寿命分析方法主要是基于Paris公式的,它需要确定应力强度因子(S IF)幅值的数学表达式,工程应用采用简化方法计算求得.文中提出了利用有限元方法直接计算不同裂纹长度下的S IF幅值,通过函数拟合的方法确定S IF幅值和裂纹长度的数学关系式,并依据该关系构造了新的裂纹扩展寿命公式.通过实例计算,将其结果与边界元配置法及工程简化方法相比较,证明了该方法是实用的,并能保证计算结果的精度.
At present, crack propagation life analysis depends on the Parisrs formula, which needs the stress intensity factor (SIF) amplitude function. In the engineering, the SIF function is simplified. A new method to determinate the function is put forward. According to the new method, the SIF amplitude will be calculated firstly by FEM, which varies with crack length. Then the SIF amplitude function will be gotten through fitting. The new crack propagation life formulation can be founded based on the function. The new method is valid and high precision through the comparison with the boundary collocation method and the traditional method.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)