
Managing wetlands:an ecological economic analysis of the Hong Kong Wetland Park 被引量:2

Managing wetlands:an ecological economic analysis of the Hong Kong Wetland Park
摘要 This paper addresses the question of whether the Hong Kong government made a rational economic decision when it decided to set aside land to develop a Wetland Park,or whether it should have used the land for alternative commercial developments.Different analytical methods are used to estimate the economic value of the environmental benefi ts of the Wetland Park:the Value Transfer Method is used to estimate the economic value of the ecological services provided by the Park,the Direct Market Price analysis for the economic value of the goods purchased in the Wetland Park,the Hedonic Housing Price Analysis for the value of the Park to those residing in its proximity,the Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Method for the value of the Park to the visitors,and the Contingent Valuation for the Passive(Nonuse) Values of the Park.These benef its are compared to the opportunity cost of the land and the cost of running the Wetland Park.The article concludes that if a rate of 5% or less is used to discount future costs and benef its,we would f ind that the government's decision to set aside land for a Wetland Park was economically sound,while using a discount rate of 6% or more shows that it was not. This paper addresses the question of whether the Hang Kong government made a rational economic decision when it decided to set aside land to develop a Wetland Park, or whether it should have used the land for alternative commercial developments. Different analytical methods are used to estimate the economic value of the environmental benefits of the Wetland Park: the Value Transfer Method is used to estimate the economic value oJ the ecological services provided by the Park. the Direct Market Price analysis for the economic value of the goods purchased in the Wetland Park, the Hedonic Housing Price Analysis for the value of the Park to those residing in its proximity, the Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Method for the value of the Park to the visitors, and the Contingent Valuation for the Passive (Nonuse) Values of the Park. These benefits are compared to the opportunity cost of the land and the cost of running the Wetland Park. The article concludes that if a rate of 5% or less is used to discount fiture costs and benefits, we would find that the government's decision to set aside land for a Wetland Park was economically sound while using a discount rate of 6% or more shows that it was not.
出处 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第4期440-453,共14页 生态经济(英文版)
关键词 香港湿地公园 生态经济 总经济价值 生态系统 Wetland Park, Hong Kong Total economic value Ecosystem services
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