Transformational approaches to generating design and implementation models from requirements can bring effectiveness and quality to software development. In this paper we present a framework and associated techniques to generate the process model of a service composition from a set of temporal business rules. Dedicated techniques including path- finding, branching structure identification and parallel structure identification are used for semi-automatically synthesizing the process model from the semantics-equivalent Finite State Automata of the rules. These process models naturally satisfy the prescribed behavioral constraints of the rules. With the domain knowledge encoded in the temporal business rules, an executable service composition program, e.g., a BPEL program, can be further generated from the process models. A running example in the e-business domain is used for illustrating our approach throughout this paper.
Transformational approaches to generating design and implementation models from requirements can bring effectiveness and quality to software development. In this paper we present a framework and associated techniques to generate the process model of a service composition from a set of temporal business rules. Dedicated techniques including path- finding, branching structure identification and parallel structure identification are used for semi-automatically synthesizing the process model from the semantics-equivalent Finite State Automata of the rules. These process models naturally satisfy the prescribed behavioral constraints of the rules. With the domain knowledge encoded in the temporal business rules, an executable service composition program, e.g., a BPEL program, can be further generated from the process models. A running example in the e-business domain is used for illustrating our approach throughout this paper.
supported by the European IST-FP6 Project OPUCE under Grant No. 34101
the National Natural Science Foun- dation of China under Grant No. 60573117
the National Basic Research 973 Program of China under Grant No. 2007CB310804
the Australian Research Council under Grant No. LP0775188.