The production of organic agriculture was one of the ways to solve the conflicts between consumers and environmental groups for reduce or nil chemical use. Also it was necessary for development of sustainable agriculture and improved living standard. Organic tobacco was not only benefit to consumers but also as one important part of organic fanning. However,there was a few research of organic tobacco in India and the U. S. A Feasibility research for organic tobacco is under way in China Tobacco Industrial Corporation, Yunnan. The experimental plots were over 6 hectare in Lawu town of Yunnan province. The first time research was carried out on organic tobacco farming in China. The objecfives focused on evaluating the environmental condition, and the level of residual pesticide and heavy metals. However, in the case of being short of relative standards for organic tobacco production, this study was conducted to evaluate the relevant parameters by reference to the relevant national standard. And also the quality of tobacco was evaluated according to Organic Tea Standard. The results showed that the soil condition and irrigation quality were better than the requirement of national standard. And the tobacco from demonstration farm reached the national standard for organic tea. The residual pesticide in tobacco leaves tobacco is below detectable range and there was much lower contains of harmful substances such as hydrargyrum, arsenic,chromium, plumbum, cuprum, cadmium, zincum. The results are based on the first year' s trails, which suggested that it was possible to produce organic tobacco in Lawn town because of the good environmental quality, soil condition and tobacco quality. However,scientific efforts should be continue in order to set up production procedure for organic tobacco farming and to bridge the gap between the yield of organic tobacco and the one under conventional farming in order to promote its development.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
organic tobacco
demonstration farm
quality evaluation