
国际河流法刍议 被引量:7

On the Law of International Rivers
摘要 国际河流是组成部分位于不同国家的水道。国际河流法主要是国家之间关于国际河流利用及其保护的原则、规则和制度的总体,它发展到今天,已经从过去比较单一的规范自由航行的功能进展到航运、水利水电等非航运开发利用、环境保护等领域。国际河流法有着丰富的条约法渊源,国际河流习惯法渊源也越来越重要。目前国际河流法的体系包括一般国际河流法、特殊国际河流法和区域国际河流法,适用于中国的国际河流法主要包括中外国际河流条约和一般国际河流法原则。 International rivers refer to the watercourse situated in different nations. The Law of International Rivers (LIR) consists of the principles, rules and system pertaining to the use and protection of international rivers among nations, which is changing from uni-function law of regulating free navigation to multi-function one of navigation and non-navigation development and environment protection such as shipping and hydroelectricity. The Law of International Rivers (LIR) is rich in the treaty law origin and its common law origin is becoming more important than before. At present, the Law of International Rivers (LIR) consists of general one, special one and regional one, among which the one that is fit for China comprises the general one and all the international rivers treaties.
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第3期92-100,共9页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 河海大学人文社会科学重点课题"国际河流法律问题研究"(2007400911)
关键词 国际河流 国际河流法 定义 体系 international river the Law of International Rivers (LIR) definition system
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