
团队多元性及其效应的研究进展 被引量:14

New Advances of Research on Team Diversity and Its Effect
摘要 团体多元性是团队理论研究中的一个非常重要的主题,近年来引起了国外学者的广泛关注。介绍了学者们对团队多元性维度的研究,在此基础上评述了团队人口统计特征多元性和团队任务相关特征多元性对团队效率、效能、业绩等结果变量的影响,同时讨论了在这个过程中团队类型、任务复杂性、任务互依性、任务类型和领导者的态度和行为等五个调节变量的作用。最后对以往的研究进行了深入的总结,提出了未来研究的具体建议。 Based on panel data of China's 31 provinces during the period of 1995-2006, this paper uses Entropy index and Concentration ratio to calculate high-tech industry cluster degree exactly. From the results we can find that High-tech industry cluster degree in China is continually high. Meanwhile, regional industry specialization is greatly strengthened. There is a high correlation between high-tech industry cluster and economy development. However, it is scalar development of high-tech industry cluster that aggravate the unbalance development of region economy. The diverse distribution of high-tech industry cluster is good for each region to exert their comparative advantage. So we should allocate industry resources well, found rational industry division collaboration system, and form regional cooperation mechanism of advantage complementary.
作者 刘宁 张正堂
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期175-180,共6页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"团队多元性 行为整合与创新绩效的关系研究:以我国高科技企业研发团队为例"(70802028) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"我国高科技企业研发团队多元性 团队冲突与创新绩效的关系研究"(08JC630048) 南京大学人文社会科学校级重点研究基地重大项目"团队薪酬结构设计及其激励效用研究"
关键词 团队多元性 团队绩效 团队类型 Team diversity Team performance Team type
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