青杨天牛(Saperda populnea Linnaeus)是我国历史性的森林害虫,对杨树具有较强的破坏力。文章报道了使用6hw-50车载高射程喷雾机、采用不同药剂、不同施药量进行青杨天牛防治的对比试验的结果,旨在评估这一新药械的防治青杨天牛效果。
Saperda populnea has been a major forestry pest for a long time in China, threatening the health of poplar forests. The results of some comparative experiments to control Saperda populnea by different pest - killing materials and different dosage with sprayer 6hw - 50 was rreported to assess the effect of this new instrument on the control of Saperda populnea.
Inner Mongolia Forestry Investigation and Design