以广州地铁某矩形截面的区间隧道为研究对象,假设当一列车在隧道内发生火灾时,根据列车停泊的位置和火灾的部位,立即启动列车后方车站的隧道风机向隧道内送风,启动前方车站的隧道风机排风,在隧道内形成一股与行车方向相同的气流,带走火灾烟气至前方车站的活塞风井而排至室外.采用PHOENICS 3.5软件模拟在此通风模式下,火灾发生60s、180s和360s时隧道内烟气的温度和浓度的分布状况.模拟结果表明:在此通风模式下,烟气全部流向下游隧道,没有发生逆流(即烟气向上游人员疏散的方向流动)现象,乘客可以迎着新鲜空气疏散到安全地带.因此,此通风措施得当,人员疏散方案正确.
Taking a metro tunnel with the rectangular section from Guangzhou Metro as research object, when a train burns in the tunnel according to the position of burned train and the location of fire, immediately start up the tunnel fans fixed at the rear station to supply fresh air along tunnel and the fans at the front station to exhaust smoke from tunnel, so there exists a great volume of wind along to take smoke outside the tunnel through the piston. Utilize the simulation software Phoenics3.5 to simulate the smoke temperature and concentration distribution in tunnel at the 60 s, 180 s and 360 s respectively, simulation results show: taking this ventilation system, the smoke in tunnel flows to the backward tunnel and no backlayering occurs, passengers can evacuate from the fire to the safety region facing with fresh air. So the ventilation system is right and the evacuation plan is correct.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition