It’s undeniable that too many things are emerging in recent years. But that doesn’tmean we can forget those people and things that are getting old but still classic. Just like today’s music market, in which idol pop singers emerge in large numbers, plenty of people still choose to listen to Zhang Xueyou’s songs. Classics ought not to be forgotten. Short time ago pioneers that were born in 1 980s found new idols from the new generation of 'Four Men from the Capital'. Pioneering of Science and Technology believes, although new id ols are found, those who are classic should never be forgotten, such as Wang Zhidong. Most people dare to think and not to mention to start a new business as they flinch by the risk that is hard to bear and the tiredness that is unpredictable. However, Wang Zhidong has built new business for three times that all draws venture investment. It’s not necessary to notice that whether the success results from his attractivenessor the projects he offers that venture investors are really in terested in . What we should attach importance to is what makes him keep this precious passion for pioneering.