Based on the principle of energy and water balance of inland lake with a closed dranage basin, an energytwater balance model was constructed by deriving the funchon of lake level change relating to the change in precipitahon and evaporahon in the lake basin, and used to quanhfy the hydrological parameters and water balance of Qnghai Lake in the 7 200-6 000a B- P. stable warm and wet periods during the Holocene. The basin was divided into severa sechons according to the terrain coverage.The model was applied to each section. The inputs were the lake level and other meteorological data such as cloudiness and temperature, the outputs were evaporation and precipitahon which were summed up into the lake water balance to derive the mnoff With recent observahon records of hydrology and meteorology, the model was validated by the eshmates of energy and water balance during the observahon Period.The results show that the eshmated precipitahon matehes the observahon very well.Hence mis model may be used to eshmate the water and energy balance for the Qinghai paleolake and the paleo-hydrological parameters such as precipitation and runoff The geologic data of the Qinghai paleolake basin duting 7 200-6 000a B. P.were used to run the model. The results of the reconstruction of the water balance of the Qinghai paleolake in the middle Holocene show that precipitation, evaporation and runoff for the lake were 32%, 13% and 67%, respectively, higher than those of today,with an increase in mnoff being two times more than in precipitation. This also implies that the enhanced East Asia monsoon in the Qinghai Lake area produced a warm and wet condihon during the middle Holocene. This research is an attempt to reconstruct quantitatively paleo-hydrological parameters and to interpret the paleoclimate using the paleolake evolutionary evidence.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Stable warm and wet period of Holocene Lake water balance Energy-balance