
氧化还原氛围下直流电晕等离子体脱除硫化氢 被引量:1

Removal of hydrogen sulfide by direct current corona plasma under oxidative and reductive atmosphere
摘要 应用直流电晕自由基簇射技术,对炼油厂恶臭气体中代表性污染物——硫化氢在等离子体反应器内进行脱除.采用自制高压直流电源,在氧化氛围中进行了动态和静态脱臭实验,在含氢还原氛围中进行了静态脱臭实验.实验考察了峰值电压、放电功率、停留时间、氧化氛围及含氢还原氛围等因素对去除率的影响.结果表明,影响硫化氢脱除的最主要因素是氧气的体积分数;在由氮气和氢气组成的还原氛围中,硫化氢的脱除率仅为40.9%;在上述还原氛围中增加体积分数为10%的氧气可使硫化氢脱除率达到80%;在含氢气和氮气及氧气体积分数为10%~20%的氧化氛围中,随反应时间的延长,硫化氢的最终脱除率达到100%.增加氧自由基源有利于提高降解效率. Experiments of the removal of hydrogen sulfide,the representative malodorant of refinery industry, by direct current corona plasma were investigated. Dynamic and static deodorizing experiments in a oxidative atmosphere and the static removal of hydrogen sulfide in a reductive atmosphere were studied by using a own-made high;yoltage DC generator. Operational parameters that effect the removal efficiency, such as peak voltage, applied power, residence time and oxidative and reductive atmosphere, were discussed. Results show that the most important factor in the removal process is the oxygen volume fraction. Only 40.87% hydrogen sulfide was removed in the reductive atmospher'e with hydrogen and nitrogen. The removal efficiency considerably increased to 80%when 10% oxygen volume fraction was added in the reductive atmosphere. Sulfide can be decomposed completely with increasing time in the oxidative atmosphere with nitrogen, hydrogen and 10%-20% oxygen volume fraction. The increase of the oxygen content can improve the removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期1801-1804,1811,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
基金 国家"863"高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2002AA529182)
关键词 氧化还原氛围 直流电晕 等离子体 自由基 恶臭 oxidative and reductive atmosphere direct current corona plasma free radical malodorant
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