
国际视野下的儿童权利——介绍国际人类学与民族学联合会儿童、青少年与童年人类学委员会 被引量:7

The Rights of the Child IUAES Commission on the Anthropology of Children,Youth and Childhood
摘要 自从联合国颁布《儿童权利公约以来》,儿童不再被看作是不完整的成年人,而是一个能独立申明自身权利的羽翼丰满的人。儿童权利成为人类学讨论的焦点之一。尽管如此,儿童的参与权、知情权等权利依然受到种种政治、经济和文化障碍的束缚。国际人类学与民族学联合会的"儿童、青少年与童年人类学委员会"是一个相对较新的组织,其目的是共同提出并升华一些指导性的理念,鼓励那些把儿童本身作为主动参与者的研究。该组织希望通过组织会议和出版物传播儿童权利的理念,并推动儿童权利的贯彻。 Since The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was issued, children have no longer viewed as an inchoate adult, but rather as a full -fledged person, who has rights that he can assert independently. The rights of the child have led to heated discussions in anthropology. Despite this advancement, children's rights of participation and information have still waited to be fully enforced due to many kinds of political, economical and cultural factors. The IUAES Commission on Anthropology of Children, Youth and Childhood is a relatively new body that has come together to engender and promote a number of guiding ideals. It means to encourage research about children in which children are themselves active participants. By means of symposiums and publications, this commission hopes to spread the idea of rights of the child and improve its enforcement.
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期5-10,共6页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 青少年 儿童权利 人类学 民族学 youth rights of the child anthropology ethnology
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