
习语的界定与形成机制——习语现象对合成性是否构成挑战? 被引量:4

The Definition and Mechanism of Idiom——Do Idioms Pose a Threat to Compositionality?
摘要 习语可分为词位习语和句位习语,其形成过程是一个语言合成的隐喻过程。词位习语的形成经历了从句法操作到形态操作的转变,该过程伴随语义调变和级阶重组,词位习语在句法结构上占一个节点。句位习语与词位习语的形成机制是一样的,但在逻辑的第一次赋予上只能作句法分析。由于结构上的稳定性,无论词位习语还是句位习语其作为形意匹配与普通符号无异,所以归根结底是一个符号。习语在形式上是可以分析的——词位习语属于形态分析,句位习语属于句法分析,但其意义都不可以从其构成成分中推导出来,所以在意义上是不可分析的。习语的形成由隐喻驱动,但隐喻化是后于语言合成的,而习语作为一个符号或运算单位又与其他成分合成,所以习语现象的存在丝毫不影响语言的合成性。 Idioms can be divided into lexemes and syntaxemes. The formation of an idiom is a metaphoric process of an existing composition. The lexeme idiom, which takes up one node in the syntactic structure, has undergone a transformational process from syntactic operation to morphological operation, along with semantic coloring and rank reconstruction. The formation of a syntaxeme idiom undergoes the same mechanism, but it can only be put into syntactic analysis on first imposition. Both lexeme and syntaxeme idioms are the same in terms of their status as signs. Formally, idioms can be analyzed: a lexeme idiom undergoes a morphologic analysis and a syntaxeme idiom a syntactic one, but its meaning cannot be derived from its components, namely the meaning is unanalysable. The formation of an idiom is driven by metaphorization that trails the lan- guage composition. As a sign or computational unit, an idiom is used as a component, so the existence of idioms poses no challenge to compositionality.
作者 赵彦春 王娟
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期7-13,共7页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社科基金项目"认知语言学在外语教学与学习词典编撰中的应用研究"(04XYY003)的阶段性成果
关键词 习语 隐喻过程 词位习语 句位习语 合成性 idiom metaphoric process lexeme idiom syntaxeme idiom compositionality
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