
基于规范场理论的技术创新网络知识时空测度 被引量:3

Measurement of Knowledge Space-time Inherent in the Techno-innovation Network Based on Gauge Field Theorem
摘要 基于分形的技术创新网络的数学描述,解决研究方法中个人主义与集体主义的冲突;在此基础上,将技术创新网络中不同结点间的相互作用抽象为对应的主丛联络,分别建立技术创新网络知识时空在不同结点处的时空曲率和时空温标的数学结构,并进一步对其进行经验解释。研究表明,对技术创新网络的分形描述可以克服不同层次技术创新网络研究中集体主义与个人主义的冲突,引入知识规范可以形成知识时空,研究知识时空可以决定真实世界的技术创新活动;知识时空是对应技术创新过程中信息场与其上面特定的结构形成的,可以与信息流结合研究技术创新过程中创新企业之间的交互作用;知识时空的曲率特征刻画技术创新网络中特定知识对外部信息(不确定性)的作用,而知识时空温标特征刻画技术创新网络的能量状态,并进一步确定创新网络知识的有序状态。 This paper first solves the conflict between individualism and collectivism in research approaches based on the fractal description of the techno-innovation network. Secondly, the interaction among the agents is introduced into the connection on the principal bundles formed by the techno-innovation network, and the mathematical structures of curvature and thermometric scale of knowledge space-time of different agents are constructed respectively and explained further in the techno-innovation network. The research shows that the fractal mathematical description of the techno-innovation gets over the conflict of individualism and collectivism in different flows of the techno-innovation network. Knowledge space-time can be formed by bringing forward knowledge gauge from which the actual techno-innovation can be decided. Knowledge space-time is formed from information field and given structure upwards in the techno-innovation process, which can be combined with in-formation flow to study innovative enterprises' interaction. Curvature of knowledge space-time depicts the function of given knowledge to external information, and thermometric scale of space-time depicts the energy state of techno-innovation network so as to decide the sequence state of knowledge.
作者 蒋军锋
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 2008年第5期2-10,共9页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(70672089 70571034 70731002) 教育部博士点基金(20050700009) 江苏省博士后基金
关键词 技术创新网络 知识时空 时空曲率 时空温标 规范场 techno-innovation network knowledge space-time curvature of space-time thermometric scale of space-time gauge field
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