利用广州GPS综合应用接收网观测数据,探讨华南地区区域级TEC监测产品的研制方法与结果。观测样本分析显示,广州GPS综合应用网单站在24 h内瞬时捕获卫星数基本上稳定在10颗,反演获得的TEC样本在电离层薄层模型下经过投影基本上覆盖华南地区以及中国南海北部海域和台湾海峡,可以比较好地反映华南地区和中国南海海域TEC数值分布状况。基于广州GPS综合应用接收网观测数据,可以得到一个表征区域强度的平均TEC实时监测产品和一个表征区域子午线分布特性的纬向TEC实时监测产品。
Guangzhou GPSnet is a regional multiuser GPS network. The Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere can be retrieved by using its dual frequency L band data. This study tries to design TEC monitor products for the south China region based on the data analysis, which shows that real - time TEC samples from the Guangzhou GPSnet could perfectly cover south China region, and represent the TEC levels well in this region. Thus two regional TEC data products based on the GPSnet are designed. One is regional average of TEC representing real - time regional TEC level. The other is latitudinal TEC monitoring product which indicates the latitudinal TEC distribution and its real- time transferring.
Guangdong Meteorology