Objective To investigate the effect of El A gene on the radiosensitivity of human laryngeal carcinoma cells and its correlated mechanisms. Methods The Ad-E1A and Ad-β-gal were amplificated in Hek293 cells, extracted by freezing( -80℃ ) and thawing( 37℃) repeatedly (3 times) , purificated by the method of density gradient of CsCI and titrated by plaque assay method. Then they were transfected into human laryngeal carcinoma cells ( Hep-2 ) and authenticated by RT-PCR. The radiosensitivity of Hep-2 cells transfected with or without E1A were studied by cell surviral curve. Finally we investigated the correlated mechanisms including cell apoptosis studied by flow cytometry and VEGF content studied by RT-PCR. Resuits The radiosensitivity of Hep-2 cells transfected with E1A was intensified, Do and Dq were lowered and α was increased. Flow cytometry showed that the apoptosis rate of cells with E1A or with E1A and radiotherapy was increased. The VEGF content of the cells transfected with E1 A or treated by radiotherapy was decreased, which reached the lowest level when the cells were treated with the both mathods. Conclusions E1A gene can intensify the radiosensitivity and contribute to the apoptosis of human laryngeal carcinoma ceils. E1A gene and radiotherapy can markedly decrease the VEGF content.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology