在微波辐射及无溶剂的条件下,氯化镉催化芳香醛、β-酮酸酯和尿素发生Biginelli缩合反应合成了系列3,4-二氢嘧啶-2-酮类化合物.结果表明,当n(苯甲醛)∶n(β-酮酸酯)∶n(尿素)为1.0∶1.0∶1.5,催化剂用量为芳香醛的12%,微波功率280 W,辐射时间5 min,3,4-二氢嘧啶-2-酮的收率高达85%~95%.该合成反应条件温和,反应时间短,操作简便,产率高,是一种环境友好型催化反应.
3,4-dihydropyrimidinones derivatives were synthesized in high yields by microwave-assisted Biginelli condensation from aldehyde,β-keto ester and urea under solvent-free conditions catalyzed by cadmium chloride. The results indicated that the yields of the 3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2-ones were up to 85%- 95 % with the microwave irradiation power 280 W, irradiation time 5 min,mole ratios n (aldehyde) : n (β- keto ester) : n (urea) =1.0 : 1.0 : 1.5,mole ratio of the catalyst and aldehyde was 0. 12 : 1. This process had the advantages of simple workup, short reaction time, high yield,mild and environment friendly. The products were characterized by elemental analysis,IR and 1H NMR.
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University