采用PCR-RFLP技术分析了香猪的雌激素受体基因(ESR)、促卵泡素β亚基基因(FSHβ)、催乳素受体基因(PRLR)在香猪猪群中的分布情况。结果表明,ESR基因的3个基因型AA、AB、BB在香猪猪群中的频率分别为0.000 0、0.931 0、0.069 0;FSHβ基因的3个基因型AA、AB、BB的频率分别为0.689 7、0.103 4、0.206 9;PRLR基因的3个基因型AA、AB、BB的频率分别为0.280 0、0.400 0、0.320 0;香猪猪群中ESR、FSHβ和PRLR基因的基因型分布偏离哈代—温伯平衡状态(P<0.05)。对不同基因的遗传结构分析表明,ESR、FSHβ和PRLR的多态信息含量分别为0.435 7、0.346 6、0.436 9;群体杂合度分别为0.497 6、0.383 4、0.499 2,属中等多态位点。
The PCR -RFLP technique was applied to analyze the distribution of estrogen receptor (ESR) gene,follicle - stimulating hormoneβsubunit ( FSHβ) gene and prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene in xiang pigs. The results showed that : The genotype frequencies of AA , AB, BB, for ESR were 0. 000 0,0.931 0,0. 069 0, for FSHβ were 0. 689 7, 0. 103 4,0.206 9, and for PRLR were 0.280 0,0.400 0,0. 320 0, respectively. In xiang pigs, ESR, FSHβand PRLR were out of Hardy -Weinberg balance, analysis of different genes showed that the polymorphism information content of ESR, FSHβand PRLR genes were 0.435 7, 0.346 6,0. 436 9, and heterozygosity were 0.497 6,0.383 4,0. 499 2 respectively. All of them belonged to moderately polymorphic sites.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology