Noncommutative Versions of the Singer-Wermer Conjecture with Linear Left θ-derivations
Noncommutative Versions of the Singer-Wermer Conjecture with Linear Left θ-derivations
The noncommutative Singer-Wermer conjecture states that every linear (possibly unbounded) derivation on a (possibly noncommutative) Banach algebra maps into its Jacobson radical. This conjecture is still an open question for more than thirty years. In this paper we approach this question via linear left θ-derivations.
The noncommutative Singer-Wermer conjecture states that every linear (possibly unbounded) derivation on a (possibly noncommutative) Banach algebra maps into its Jacobson radical. This conjecture is still an open question for more than thirty years. In this paper we approach this question via linear left θ-derivations.
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