文章讨论了项目评价指标内含报酬率的缺陷及其修正的方法,并利用EXCEL的内置函数NPV()、IRR()、M IRR(),对非常规项目及现金流入分布不同、投资年限不同和投资额不同的互斥项目择优时的净现值、内含报酬率及其修正的内含报酬率等指标进行了计算。
This paper illustrates the inadequateness and improvement of IRR in project evaluation index. The author tries to make calculations on the parameters as NPV, IRR and modified IRR with the help of functions in EXCEL as NPV (), IRR ( ) and MIRR (), when assessing the contradicting projects in variety of cash flow, investment duration and investment amount.
Journal of Hubei Polytechnic Institute