

An New CRM Based on Perfection to the Risk Measure of Fishburn
摘要 一致性风险度量在金融风险管理中是十分重要的风险度量.下偏矩度量是位于目标收益(率)下方的风险损失,通过引入新目标收益率对Fishburn风险测度进行了改进,在Fischer基于单边矩风险度量所建立的一致性风险度量的基础上得到了一个新的一致性风险度量,适用于任何类型的收益(率)分布,更加符合投资者的心理实际,最后通过实例验证了所得的一致性风险度量的有效性和合理性. Coherent risk measures (CRM) are very important ones in financial risk management, lower partial moments are loss risk measures below the target return ratio. On the basis of the perfection to the risk measure of Fishburn by introducing new target return ratio, an new CRM is proposed making use of Fischer' risk measure based on one-sided moments, which accounts for investors' psychology. Finally, the new CRM is proved to be effective and reasonable with an example.
作者 万上海
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第21期195-200,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学资助(2005KJ067) 教育部科学技术研究重点资助(205073)
关键词 风险管理 单边矩 一致性风险度量 目标收益率 risk management one-sided moments coherent risk measures target return ratio
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