PURPOSE To evaluate the clinical diagnostic value of radioimmunoimaging (RII) in breast carcinoma. METHODS 7 patients with breast tumors were imaged by RII using 99m Tc labeled anti CA15 3 monoclonal antibody MACA1. The clearance of the radiolabeled antibody in blood (half time, T 1/2 ) and the biodistribution were studied. RESULTS RII was positive in 3 patients with primary breast carcinoma and one patient with lymph node metastases in right sided axilla who received right sided mastectomy 5 yrs ago due to breast carcinoma. Tumors were not detected by RII in one case with left sided primary breast carcinoma accompanied by unilateral axilla lymph node metastases. RII of the remaining 2 patients were negative, including one case with mammary adenoproliferation and the other of follow up patient who underwent right sided mastectomy 7 years ago due to breast carcinoma. Blood radioactivity decreased with T 1/2α of 0 78±0 30h and T 1/2β of 19 90±3 75h. The radiolabeled antibody was excreted mainly through liver and kidney showed by whole body images. CONCLUSIONS RII using 99m Tc labeled MACA1 may be applied as a valuable method in the diagnosis of primary breast carcinoma, recurrence and lymph node matastases.
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine