
两种法学全球化观--中国将何去何从? 被引量:3

Two Views of Legal Globalization:What Course China Will Follow?
摘要 二十世纪八十年代以降,"全球化"逐渐从两个向度上凸显出来。第一个向度表现为传统社会主义国家纷纷向市场经济转型,第二个向度则表现为当代全球化问题的研究逐渐成了各个学科的"显学"。尽管目前中国法学在关于全球化是经济全球化还是多维全球化的问题上存在争议,在赞成法律全球化还是反对法律全球化的问题上观点更是针锋相对,但是在这些争论的背后,中国法学在对全球化进行问题化处理时却存在两项共同的理论设定——全球化是一个整体化同质化的进程、全球化是一个具有客观必然性的进程;正是因为其共有这两项不自觉的理论设定,所以中国法学在认识全球化现象时实质上秉持着一种封闭的全球化观。而本文试图建构一种开放的全球化观,这种全球化观把全球化看做是一个矛盾且多元、主观且可变的进程,一个可以根据人之认识或利益或传统被建构或被重构的博弈进程,一个在很大程度上属于偶然且可能是一个可逆且不确定的过程,这本质上是一种开放的全球化观。这种全球化观认为全球化是普遍化与特殊化或者单一化与多样化的统一,是整合与碎裂或者一体化和分裂化的统一,是集中化与分散化的统一,是国际化和本土化的统一,是世界主义与民族主义的统一。正是在这种开放的全球化观的视角下,中国将何去何从成为了一个真正的问题。中国法学论者绝不能只满足于对"全球化"做简单的描述工作,也绝不能不加反思和批判就在描述"全球化"的过程中不知不觉地接受西方论者新自由主义的全球主义"话语"的支配,而应当充分认识到全球化乃是一种开放可变的结构。这要求中国或中国法学采取一种"主动"的积极参与重构或重塑全球化进程及其方向的全球化策略。总之,中国法律哲学的基本使命就是经由"关系性视角"和"共时性视角"的建构去重新定义中国,同时经由"重叠性思维方式"而建构起"主体性的中国",并根据中国自己的法律理想图景引领中国法律/法制的建设或指导中国主动参与的"世界结构"重构进程。 Since the 1980s, globalization has come on the scene mainly on two respects: one is that many traditional socialist countries successively endorse market economy, and the other is that contemporary studies on globalization gradually become well-known and prestigious. Despite the controversies on whether globalization is economic or multiple, and the confrontations between supporters and opposers of globalization of law, there are two common preconditions in the discussion and questionization of globalization by Chinese scholars: globalization is a holistic and homogeneous process and this process is objective as well inevitable. These two unconscious theoretical presuppositions in the cognition of globalization contribute to a closed conception of globalization. On the other hand, efforts have been made in this paper to construct and theorize on an open conception of globalization, which holds that globalization is a contradictory and multiple process, it is subjective and changeable, it can be constructed and reconstructed according to people's perception, interests and tradition, and it is haphazard, reversible gard globalization as the unity of universalization and and uncertain to a large extent. This conception of globalization reparticularization, integration and fragmentation, centralization and decentralization, internationalization and domestication, and cosmopolitanism and nationalism. It is under such an open perspective that the future of China and China' s legal science becomes a genuine question. China' s legal theorists should never be content with simple description of globalization, nor should they fall willingly under the control and domination of western neo-liberal discourse of globalism. Rather, it is advisable to view globalization as an open and changeable structure, which requires an active participation of China and China' s legal science into the reconstruction and reshaping of globalization process and its direction. To sum up, the fundamental mission of China' s legal science and legal philosophy is to reconstruct and redefine China via the relational and synchronic perspectives, to construct "the subjectivity of China" with the help of "the overlapping way of thinking", and to guide China' s legal construction with our own ideal picture of law or to help China in her participation of the restructuring of the "world structure".
作者 邓正来
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期118-126,共9页 The Jurist
关键词 法律全球化观 中国法哲学 法律理想图景 法学 conception of law globalization China' s legal philosophy ideal picture of law
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