
英国取缔马共的决策过程 被引量:2

The Motives of U.K in Proscription of Malayan Communist Party
摘要 1948年6月16日,三名欧籍种植园经理在马来亚北霹雳地区被杀,马来亚殖民当局宣布马来亚部分地区进入"紧急状态"。两天后,"紧急状态"覆盖马来亚全境。马来亚殖民当局在宣布"紧急状态"时并没有同时宣布应由哪个政治组织对事态负责。直到7月19日,英国内阁才批准英国驻东南亚首席专员宣布马来亚共产党为非法组织。英国内阁在做出取缔马共的决策时并未掌握马共涉及谋杀事件的确凿证据,对马来亚事态的性质也缺乏把握。 On 16 June, 1948, three European planters were murdered in the Northern Perak of Malaya. The British colonial authorities declared the state of emergency in some parts of Malaya, and then covered the whole Malaya in two days. At the same time, however, the colonial government did not declare which political organization should be responsible for the murder. It was not until on the day of 19 July 1948 did the British Government authorized the British Commissioner-General in Southeast Asia to declare the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) as an illegal organization. However, when this decision was made, the British Cabinet had no tangible evidence implicating the MCP involved in the murder incidents. The file evidences indicate that the real intention of the British Government would be to suppress the nationalist movement under the pretence of anti-communist war.
作者 张祖兴
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期85-89,共5页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 英国 殖民统治 马来亚共产党 The United Kingdom Colonial Domination Malayan Communist Party
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  • 1" Despatch no 19 from Sir E Gent to Mr CreechJones", 30 Sept 1947, CO 537/2208, No. 16.
  • 2A.J. Stockwell, ed. , Malaya, British Documents onthe End of Empire, Series B, Volume 3, HMSO, 1995, London.
  • 3"Outward telegram 750 from Mr Creech Jones to SirE Gent", 22 June 1948, CO 717/172/52849/9/1948.
  • 4Nicholas J. White, Business, Government, and theEnd of Empire: Malaya, 1942- 1957, pp. 114, 124, Oxford University Press, 1996, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 5"Outward telegram no 70 from Mr Creech Jones toMr MacDonald", 12 June 1948, CO 717/167/52849/2/1948.
  • 6" Inward telegram no 641 from Sir E Gent to MrCreeeh Jones", 17 June 1948, CO 717/167/'52849/2/1948.
  • 7" Malaya Security Service ", Political IntelligenceJournal, 1948.
  • 8" Malaya Security Service ", Political IntelligenceJournal, 1948.
  • 9"Cabinet memorandum by Mr Creech Jones", 1 July 1948, CAB 129/28, CP (48) 171.
  • 10"Letter from Sir T Lloyd to Sir F Gimson and Sir ANewboult", 23 Aug 1948, CO 537/3758, No. 16.










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