Purpose: Deputy sinus of low - dose spiral CT scan in the best conditions. Materials and Methods: 60 patients were taken of the coronary sinus Viceslice cr scan, Scanning the conditions are as follows: 120kV, 250mA, 200mA, 100mA, 50mA, 25mA, 5mm thickness, 5ram intervals, Scanning time for 1S the images will be scanned by the five have certain experience in the CT room physicians and technicians were on a bilind image quality score, to ensure image quality analysis based on the best use of low - dose low - scan- ning conditions. Results: Select scan time for ls, voltage of 120kV, current 50mA, 5mm thickness, 5ram intervals as a low- dose scan the best conditions. Conclusion: 120kV, 50mA low- dose of sinus disease in ensuring the quality of the image under the protection of the ball at the same time significantly reducing the patient's radiation dose to achieve a win- win objective.
Modern Medical Imageology