
门诊120例慢性咳嗽患者的诊断和治疗结果分析 被引量:4

Analyze the Result of Diagnose and Treatment with 120 Cases Outpatient of Chronic Persistent Cough
摘要 目的:分析和评价慢性咳嗽患者就诊规律、病因分布、诊断方法、治疗措施及效果,探讨适宜社区和基层的基本诊疗方法。方法:参考Irwin的慢性咳嗽解剖学诊断流程,对门诊120例慢性咳嗽患者的病因进行诊断分析,并按不同病因给予针对治疗。结果:120例慢性咳嗽患者中确诊109例,其中咳嗽变异型哮喘(CVA)31例;鼻后滴流综合征(PNDS)29例;感染后咳嗽(PIC)24例;胃食管反流性咳嗽(GERD)14例;血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)类药物诱导的药源性咳嗽11例。未明确病因11例。109例中103例咳嗽完全控制或治愈,6例明显缓解,有效率100%。结论:CVA、PNDS、PIC、GERD、ACEI类药物诱导性咳嗽等是慢性咳嗽的5个主要病因; Irwin的解剖学诊断流程是慢性咳嗽行之有效的程序化诊断方法。 Objective: Analyzed and appraised the regulation of see doctor, etiologic, the way of diagnosed for thepatients with chronic persistent cough, appraised the effect and method to difference etiologic, inquired into the diagnosed way to the community and basic level.Method: Used the Irwin chronic persistent cough dissected diagnosed method, andlyzed the 120 cases outpatient with chronic persistent cough and gave them suitable treatment. Results: Among 120 cases patient with chronic persistent cough, confirmed diagnose patients if 109 case (90.83%),in which cough variant asthma (CVA) wais 31 cases (25.83%), postnasal drip syndrome (PNDS) was 29 cases (24.17%),post infectious cough ( PIC) WAS 24 CASES (20.00%), gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) was 14 cases (11.67%), the cough that caused by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) was 11 cases (9.17%), uncertain cough is 11 cases (9.17%). Among all of the 109 cases confirmed diagnose patient, after treatment, recovered completely was 103 cases (94.50%), relieved significantly was 6 cases (5.50%), the effective rate was 100%.Conclusions: CVA, PNDS,PIC,GERD and cough caused by the medicine of ACEI were the 5 main reasons of the chronic persistent cough, the treatment effect was confirm according to the cause of cough. The Irwin chronic persistent cough dissected diagnose method was a perfect diagnose, Method for the patient with the chronic persistent cough.
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2008年第7期1006-1008,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 慢性咳嗽 病因 诊断 治疗 chronic persistent cough etiologic diagnose treatment
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