

Pathogenicity of avian influenza viruse H5N1 from duck and sequence analysis of spike protein genes
摘要 分析1株2004年从广东省分离获得的HSN1型禽流感病毒株A/Duck/GuangdongJiedong/23/2004对SPF鸡和鸭的致病性,并对其血凝素(HA)基因和神经氨酸酶(NA)基因的序列进行测定,与GenBank中收录的其他序列进行比较。结果,此分离株对SPF鸡和鸭均具有高致病性,且致死率达100%。HA基因与SCK/ST/475/04的同源率最高,而NA基因与Ck/GD/178/04同源率最高。进化分析结果表明,此毒珠与DK/Chi—na/E319-2/03的HA、NA亲缘关系较近,推测它们来源于同一祖代毒株。推导的HA基因氨基酸裂解位点为-RRRKK-,具有典型高致病性禽流感的特征序列;NA基因颈部49~68位20个氨基酸缺失是近年来H5N1亚型优势流行株共同的遗传标志。 Pathogenicity of one strain of Avian influenza virus (AIV) HSN1 named A/duck/GuangdongJiedong/23/2004 ( HSN1 ) ( DK/ GDJD/23/04), was analyzed. The hemagglutin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes had been sequenced and compared with those in GenBank. The results showed DK/GDJD/23/04 had high pathogenicity to the SPF chicken and duck, causing 100% mortality. DK/GDJD/ 23/04 shared high identity with SCK/ST/475/04 in HA gene and shared high identity with Ck/GD/178/04 in NA gene. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that both HA and NA genes of DK/GDJD/23/04 had genetically close relationship with DK/China/E319-2/03, which suggested that they came from the same origin. The sequence of cleavage site between HA1 and HA2 consisted of-RRRKK-, which was the sequence of the high pathogenic AIV, and a 20-amino acid delection in NA stalk (residues49-68), was the genetic marker of the majority strains in recent years.
出处 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2008年第11期17-20,共4页 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 农业部动物流感监测与防治专项项目 国家“十五”科技攻关项目(2004BA519A42) 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD06A03)
关键词 禽流感病毒 1-15N1亚型 致病性 血凝素 神经氨酸酶 序列分析 avian influenza virus H5N1 subtype pathogenicity HA NA
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