针对Windows CE应用于大容量NAND FLASH时文件系统加载速度慢的问题,分析NAND FLASH驱动程序的结构和FAT文件系统的加载过程,提出以块为单位存储部分文件系统信息的创新优化方案。在Xscale PXA270的平台上测试表明,经优化后文件系统加载速度大约可以提高50%。此方案对类似的嵌入式系统研究也有借鉴作用。
Aiming at the problem of low loading velocity of file system in Windows CE when applying for high capacity NAND FLASH, this paper analyzes the structure of driver for NAND FLASH and the loading process of FAT file system, and proposes a solution for accelerating the loading process which saving information of file system for per block instead of per page. According to experimental results from platform based Xscale PXA270, the loading velocity can be increased by about 50% after applying proposed solution. It may be a reference to some similar embedded systems.
Modern Electronics Technique