针对车轮踏面擦伤采集的数据到PC机的传输问题,设计一种基于USB总线技术的数据通信系统。该系统利用FPGA实现采集数据流的收发时序,通过USB 2.0接口芯片CY7C68013与主机进行通信。详细介绍该数据传输系统的硬件结构、软件设计、USB芯片固件设计和工作流程,该数据传输系统相对于传统的PCI数据传输系统,具有简便灵活、支持热拔插技术,在便携式车轮踏面擦伤检测中可以广泛的运用。
In order to transmit the sampled data of the wheel tread abrade to the PC terminal, the data transmission system based on USB technology is designed in this article. The timing of the sampled data stream is controlled by FPGA which communicates with the PC terminal with the help of USB2.0 interface chip CY7C68013. In this article, the hardware structure of data transmission system, the software design, the working flow and firmware of the USB interface chip are systematically discussed. Compared to the traditional PCI bus transmitting system,this system is designed to support plug and play technology, thus it can be widely used in the portable detection for the wheel tread.
Modern Electronics Technique