

Design and Formal Analysis of Secrecy in the Non-repudiation Protocol
摘要 探讨了非否认协议的保密性认证目标,用攻击的方法验证了A(0)协议在认证保密性方面的不足;对其消息格式和会话密钥建立后确认方式做了修改,提出了NA(0)协议;进一步运用SVO逻辑对NA(0)协议进行了形式化的分析,验证了NA(0)协议满足主体身份的认证性和会话密钥的保密性。 On the basis of discussing the secrecy goals of non-repudiation protocol, the papar validateed the shortages of A(0) protocol by the means of aggressing, revamped the affirmanee fashion of its information format and conversation encrypting keys, and lodged NA(0)protocol. Then the NA(0)protocol was analysed formally by SVO logic, and it was validated fulfilling the authentication of main identity and secrecy of conversation.
作者 张虹
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期140-142,共3页 Computer Science
基金 山东省科技攻关项目(2007GG30003003)
关键词 非否认协议 认证保密性 形式化分析 SVO逻辑 Non-repudiation protocol, Secrecy,Formal analysis,SVO Logic
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