ISO/IEC 20000提供了信息服务管理的基本框架。如何在这个框架内建立普适的、可操作的平台,为广大用户,特别是政府等相关机构制定切合实际的信息服务管理规则,是需要认真研究的课题。大连信息产业局、大连软件行业协会组织编制的大连市《信息服务管理规范》根据中国信息服务管理的现状和特点,为推进信息服务管理的科学化、专业化.规范化、标准化提供了可资借鉴的经验和模式。
ISO/IEC 20000 provides the basic frame of information service management. How to constitute the general's operating flat and actual rules of the information service management for large number of users and government especially is the problem which needs to study carefully. "The Specifications of Information Service Management" is compiled by the Dalian Bureau of Information Industry and the Dalian Software Association. management of China, and provides the useful experience and mode for advance of the science, specialization, standardization of the information service management.
Information Technology & Standardization