
寒地粳稻粒长在DH群体中遗传变异研究 被引量:1

Study on hereditary variation of grain length of doubled haploid japonica rice in cold region
摘要 应用粒长不同的10个亲本,采用F1花药培养技术构建了寒地水稻6个组合的DH(Doubled Haploid,DH)群体。应用Choo等提出的模型及公式,分析了这6个DH群体粒长的分布,测算了粒长遗传力、超亲率,检测了粒长的基因对数及基因互作方式。试验粒长的遗传变异分为两大类型,主效基因加微效多基因混合遗传和无主效基因互作。3个组合粒长的遗传属于多个主效基因加微效多基因混合遗传;存在主效基因间的互作,为互补作用。粒长在DH群体的遗传力为0.40,超高亲率很低;控制粒长的基因对数为5.7~72.2对,平均20.1对。寒地水稻长粒种质创新相对较难,在H2代要加强其选择强度。 The DH population of 6 combinations had been constructed in cold rice region by the technology of antheral culture in hybridization combination F1 which was from 10 parents of different grain length. This paper analyzed the hereditary variation distribution of grain length in DH population, estimated hereditary capacity and rate over parent in DH population by the model and formula which were presented by Choo et al, and examined the number of gene pairs and the pattern of gene interaction which controlled these characters. The hereditary variation of grain length was divided into two types in this paper. Type Ⅰ was the heredity of 3 crosses of grain length which belonged to blending heredity which was controlled by major gene and many minor genes, there was no interaction of major genes. Type Ⅱ was the heredity of 3 crosses of grain length which belonged to blending heredity controlled by many major genes and many minor genes, there was effect between major genes, which was complement each other. The hereditary capacity of grain length was 0.40, the rate over high parent was relatively low in DH population. The number of gene pairs was 5.7-72.2 pairs controlled by grain length, 20.1 pairs on average. The germplasm innovation of long grain is relatively difficult in cold region, it need to enhance the strength of choice in H2 generation.
出处 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第10期20-26,共7页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
基金 黑龙江省农业科学院青年基金项目(2004-01)
关键词 寒地 粳稻 粒长 DH群体 遗传变异 cold region japonica rice grain length DH population hereditary variation
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