2Gregory F. Jacob, Perspectives without Reservation, Chicago Journal of International Law, ? Chicago Journal of International Law, Vol. 5, 2004.
3Benedict Kingsbury, The Concept of Compliance as a Function of Competing Conceptions of International Law, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 19, 1998.
4See Melissa E. Crow, Smokescreens and State Responsibility: Using Human Rights Strategies to Promote Global Tobacco Control, Yale J. Int'l L. Vol. 29, 2004.
5See again Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Richard Day- nard: Reconceptualizing Human Rights to Challenge Tobacco, Michigan State Journal of International Law, Vol. 17, 2009.
7Chang-fa I.o, Establishing Global Governance in the Implementation of FCTC: Some Reflections on the Cur- rent Two-Pillar and One-Roof Framework, Asian Journal of WTO b. International Health Law and Policy, Vol. 9, 2006.
8See Sofia Gruskin David Tarantola, Health and Human Rights, Franois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Heath and Human Rights, Working Paper No. 10, 2000. http: // www. hsph. harvard, edu/fxbcenter/FXBC WP10-Gruskin_ and _ Tarantola. pdf.
9Chuan-feng Wu, State Responsibility for Tobacco Control: The Right to Health Perspective, Asian Journal of WTO International Health Law Policy, Vol. 3 2008.
10Henry .l. Steiner Philip Alston, International Human Rights in Context Law, Politics, Morals (2nd edi- tion) , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.