[目的]研究罗汉果组培苗2茬栽培关键技术。[方法]以"青冠"组培苗为材料,第1茬为杯苗栽培,第2茬为宿根留蔓栽培,采用棚面宿根留蔓和棚下宿根留蔓2种留蔓方式。测定小区产量,调查病虫害及物候期,计算投入产出。[结果]第2茬采用棚面宿根留蔓栽培的萌芽期比棚下宿根留蔓栽培的推迟7 d,但前者现蕾期和开花期分别提早5和3 d。第2茬栽培的现蕾期、开花期和成熟期分别比第1茬栽培提前了65、62和40 d。与第1茬栽培相比,第2茬栽培大、中果实比率有较大提高,小果率降低,结果株率为100%,果实等级和产量显著提高。[结论]棚面宿根留蔓栽培和棚下宿根留蔓第2茬栽培净收益分别为126 139.5和117 994.5元/hm2,分别比第1茬栽培净收益增加了175.1%和150.9%。
[ Objective] The study was to research the key techniques of twice planting in a year for tissue culture seedlings ot 5tratia grosvenorii. [ Method ] With tissue cuhure seedling of Qingguan as material, the cup seedling cultivation was used in the 1 st time planting and the ratoon keeping bine cultivation including two methods of the ratoon keeping bine toward shed surface and ratoon keeping bine under shed were used in the 2nd time planting. The yield in the plot was determined, the phenophase of diseases and insect pests was investigated and the input -output was calculated. [ Result] The germination stage in the 2nd cultivation with ratoon keeping bine toward shed surface was delayed 7 d than that with ratoon keeping bine under the shed, but the budding stage and flowering stage of the former were 5 and 3 d earlier than that of the latter. The stages of budding, flowering and maturing of twice cultivation were 65., 62 and 40 d earlier resp. than that of I st cultivation. Compared with the 1 st cultivation, the ratio of large and middle fruit was increased greatly and the ratio of small fruit was decreased, the fruited plant ratio was 100% , and the grade and yield of fruit were increased significantly for the 2nd cultivation . [ Conclusion] The net income for the 2nd time cultivation with ratoon keeping bine toward shed surface and cultivation with ratoon keeping bine under shed were 126 139.5 yuan/hm^2 and 117 994.5 yuan/hm^2 resp. , being 175.1% and 150.9% higher than that for 1st cultivation.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Siraitia grosvenorii
Twice planting in a year
Cultivation technique