结合某乳品加工厂废水处理工程,探讨了"UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed)+SASS(Selector Activated Sludge System)"工艺处理乳业废水的可行性与可靠性。结果显示:COD浓度为4500~5000 mg/L的乳业生产废水经UASB厌氧段处理后可降至700 mg/L以下,去除率可达85%以上;SASS好氧段COD去除率可达90%以上,出水COD浓度稳定在60~70 mg/L。采用UASB+SASS工艺处理乳品加工废水,实际运行可行,处理效率高,运行稳定,出水水质可达到国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)中的一级排放标准。
Combining with the wastewater treatment engineering of a dairy processing plant,the feasibility and reliability of treating dairy wastewater by using UASB( Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed)and SASS(Selector Activated Sludge System) techanlogies were discussed.The results showed that COD of dairy industry production wastewater with the original concentration of COD of 4 500 - 5 000 mg/L could be reduced below 700 mg/L and the removal rate could reach more than 85% after UASB anaerobic section treatment. COD removal rate could reach more than 90% and the effluent COD concentration was stable at 60-70 mg/L.Treating dairy processing wastewater by UASB and SASS technologies was practical and feasible to run,with high treatment efficiency and stable operation. The effluent quality could reach first grade standard of national comprehensive wastewater emission standards(GB8978-1996).
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences