

Projected benefit-cost analysis of agri-silvicultural system:vegetable crops intercropping with Salix alba (Willow)
摘要 2005.2006年间,在印度喀什米尔地区的克什米尔农业科学大学的试验地对农林兼作体系进行研究,柳树与农作物的间混种植包括柳树,羽衣甘蓝(Brassica oleracea Var.acephala)和球茎甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.caularapa)。试验地分成几个小区,每个小区(8m×2m)种植4棵两年生的柳树,间距为2m×2m。采用被推荐的间混种植的植株间距和施用的肥料浓度。结果表明:羽衣甘蓝和球茎甘蓝与柳树间混种植得出这种的种植模式的预计效益成本率分别为2.78和2.79,单独的柳树种植效益率为2.66。本研究表明,可以促进蔬菜作物与柳树间混种植模式从而代替单独的柳树种植模式。图1表7参27。 An experiment upon an agri-silvicultural system involving Willow (Salix alba) tree, Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and Knol khol (Brassica oleracea var. caularapa) was laid in randomized block designed at farmers' willow field at Shalimar near Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar India during 2005 and 2006. The main plot was divided into sub-spots with 8 m × 2 m in size each in which four two-year-old willow (Salix alba) trees were at a spacing of 2 m ×2 m in a sub-spot. The intercrops were maintained at recommended spacing and supplied with recommended doses of fertilizers. The benefit-cost ratio in willow plantation intercropped with vegetable crops of Kale and Knol Khol was analyzed and compared with the benefit-cost ratio of sole willow tree forestry. The results showed that every rupee invested in plantation of agri-silvicultural system generates benefit-cost ratio of 2.78 and 2.79 in case of Willow intercropping with Kale and Willow with Knol khol, respectively, while as for sole crop of willows benefit-cost ratio was calculated to be 2.66. These results provided circumstantial evidence in favour of adopting agroforestry involving willow instead of Sole tree forestry.
机构地区 Faculty of Forestry
出处 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期335-339,共5页 林业研究(英文版)
关键词 利益-成本分析 间作作物 柳树 蔬菜 benefit-cost ratio intercrops Salix alba (Willow) vegetable crops
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