
基于OLSR的Ad Hoc网络功率意识路由协议 被引量:4

Power-Aware Routing Protocol Based on OLSR in Ad Hoc Network
摘要 针对AdHoc网络能量受限的特点,提出了一种基于OLSR的功率意识路由协议。该协议的路由选择策略考虑节点发射功率和剩余寿命,同时尽量选择寿命较长的节点作为MPR节点。针对网络流量的突发性和随机性,采用基于能量流失率的节点寿命预测模型。在兼顾传统路由指标之外,主要考虑数据分组传输成功率和网络维持时间等参数。仿真结果显示,该算法有效地提高了网络吞吐量,延长了网络寿命。 In the light of the limited energy in Ad Hoc network, a power-aware routing protocol based on OLSR is proposed, which considers the node transmission power and lifetime when selecting the routing. In addition, the nodes with longer lifetime are selected as MPR nodes. Considering the burst and randomness of the traffic flow, the model of node lifetime based on energy looseness rate is presented. Simulation result shows that the protocol improves the throughput and prolongs the lifetime of the network.
出处 《通信技术》 2008年第11期103-104,107,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 ADHOC网络 功率意识路由 OLSR协议 节能 Ad Hoc network power-aware routing OLSR energy saving
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