
正常人咀嚼惯用侧的发生情况 被引量:4

Chewing side preference of normal people
摘要 目的观察正常人群咀嚼惯用侧的发生情况,并对不同研究方法进行比较。方法选择50名牙列完整,无错畸形,无异常磨耗的成年人,分别使用问卷调查和改良的Christensen方法(包括通过咀嚼测试观察咀嚼惯用侧以及咀嚼过程结束后询问自主感觉)记录咀嚼惯用侧的发生情况,计算不同方法的一致性。结果问卷调查中25例(50%)认为自己有咀嚼惯用侧,咀嚼测试中20例(40%)有咀嚼惯用侧,测试后询问有25例(50%)认为自己有咀嚼惯用侧。Kappa分析问卷调查和咀嚼测试一致性的可靠度为中,咀嚼测试和测试后询问一致性的可靠度为优。结论接近一半的正常人群中存在咀嚼惯用侧;咀嚼测试是客观简单的判断方法。 Objective To investigate the occurrence of preferred chewing side o normal people and to evaluate the different methods to determine chewing preference. Methods The chewing preference of fifty healthy subjects were examined by means of questionnaire and preferred chewing side test ( modified Christensen test )., include "observed preferred chewing side, OPCS" and "state preferred chewing side, SPCS". Kappa value of these methods was calculated. Results Twenty -five subjects (50%)thought they had preferred chewing side by means of questionnaire; Twenty subjects (40%) had OPCS and twenty -five subjects (50%) had SPCS. The kappa statistic revealed the level of agreement between questionnaire and OPCS was moderate, that between OPCS and SPCS was good. ConclusiOn About half of the normal people had preferred chewing side. The special mastication test was an objective and simple useful method.
作者 潘洁 王嘉德
出处 《现代口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期568-570,共3页 Journal of Modern Stomatology
关键词 咀嚼惯用侧 咀嚼 问卷 Preferred chewing side Mastication Questionnaire
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