
阳极材料对医院污水电化学消毒处理效果的研究 被引量:1

A Study on Effects of Anodic Materials on Electrochemical Disinfection Treatment of Wastewater from Hospitals
摘要 分析了三维电极法处理医院污水的影响因素,探讨了阳极材料、电流密度.水力停留时间、空气流量、极水比等因素对消毒效果的影响,确定在不加化学药剂、不影响水质和低耗能条件下电化学消毒试验的最佳使用条件。结果表明,在用涂有贵金属(钌、铂、铱)氧化物的钛板作阳极,不锈钢板作阴极,电流密度为6mA/cm^2、水力停留时间为15min、空气流量为40L/h、极水比为1.0的试验条件下,消毒后污水中总大肠菌群数〈500CFU/L。电化学法消毒处理医院污水方法简单有效、运行费用低,无二次污染.处理后的污水达到国家一级排放标准(GB8978—1996)。 A three-dimensional electrode method used for treating wastewater from hospitals was presented and a series of factors influencing the disinfection were discussed including anodic materials, current density, hydraulic retention time, air flow rate, ratio of anode effective area to the inner water volume, and etc. Optimal conditions for the electrochemical disinfection test have been identified with no need of additive chemicals and lower energy consumption, i.e., the anode made of titanium coated with oxides of noble metals (Ru, Pt, Ir), stainless steel cathode, current density 6 mA/cm^2, hydraulic retention time 15 minutes, air flow rate 40 L/hr, the ratio of anode effective area to the inner water volume 1.0. The coliform counts were less than 500/L in the effluent after electrochemical disinfection. It may be concluded that the electrochemical disinfection method for treating hospital wastewater was effective and lower costly without secondary pollution problems, and the effluent could be in compliance with Class 1 of the National Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978-96).
出处 《上海环境科学》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期78-81,共4页 Shanghai Environmental Sciences
关键词 医院污水 电化学消毒 阳极材料 总大肠菌群数 Hospital wastewater Electrochemical disinfection Anodic material Coliform counts
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